Homeschool Dropout Movie

Homeschool Dropout movie

Saw this movie the other day and it really hit home. Are you a second generation Homeschool family? Homeschool Dropouts from Western Conservatory on Vimeo. Five years ago, the Botkin siblings produced this documentary about the homeschooling movement after talking to their peers around the United States. In discussing the future of this movement, the […]

Knowing the Lord – Hosea 6:3

Hosea 6:3 - Knowing God

Some days it is easy to get lost in contemplation than others.  Today I was again trying to spend some time with out a phone or screen and just use my memory to focus on the things of the Lord.  I had spent all morning working and was just to the point where I was […]

Selfless Christianity

wheat hand harvest ready matthew 20

My wife gets me.  She has this uncanny knack to get when I am all bummed out, when I am spent. Something about her question tonight made me think about it in a strange light. We have a lot going on. Most of the people don’t care about it, they only see their needs and […]

Old Tshirts

So, it happens.  I wear my T-shirts until they are ratty … down right torn to shreds and honestly it does bother me a bit, but I have other things that need to be taken care of.  I wear hand me down clothing from others and friends keep my closet full of Salvation Army clothes […]

Why Doesn’t my Kid want to go to Church (Part 3)

Part 3 in observations from a Pastor’s heart: Why Doesn’t My Kid Want to Come to Church? [Part 1] [Part 2]   Graceless was left to struggle alone in the Slough of Despond. But he kept his face turned toward the distant hills, and even while floundering in the mire — he now and then […]

Hole in One, Doh!

Ever have one of those days? I scored a hole in one, only to find out I was on the wrong golf course! Working so hard to reach a task to fail in another task that was simple is frustrating to say the least.  So focused to see God work in one area that we […]

Come to your senses!

1 Corinthians 15:33-34  Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”   Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame. There are some people that just can’t get enough glory in their own sin… I tend to naturally […]

Dance Floor Theology

So I finally heard the God’s Dance Floor song my wife has been talking about… Yet another reason I don’t listen to Christian radio that often … so any clue where the theology comes from for this? Does anyone have a verse for this theology?? Maybe adding Zumba to the worship team will be an […]

Joy vs. Sorrow Hebrews 13:17

It seems in the last two years our little part of the Church has gone through great trials.  We have seen lots of people come and lots go.  We have had to practice Church Discipline on some and impose some restrictions on others until they either repented of their sin or left.  It is not […]

Quote – Triumph Over Sin – John Piper

“I know of no other way to triumph over down sin long-term than … to gain a distaste for it because of a superior satisfaction in God.” –John Piper Desiring God   He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and […]