Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
Proverbs 13:12

Just one word to focus on for me in this, and that word is SICK.   The Hebrew word translated “sick” has a great way of looking at this,  the hope deferred already suggests that it is taking to much time or that the time for hope has come and gone already.  But the word has more meaning that just being sick, or ill, it is a picture of a sick person stumbling along the path, getting weaker and weaker as they walk on.  A person trying to make it but in the end they give in to the illness. Surrender to defeat.

When we have our hope in the wrong place it can be a long tedious process for us to even realize that we are “sick.”  Then our stubbornness kicks in and we hold on to our delayed hope and we continue to get illwhen all we need to do is turn to the Great Physician and let Him give us the cure.

Then that word desire is back…  have to do a little more word study on that.

How is your hope? Are you feeling sick?

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